报告题目:White OLEDs for Displays and General Lighting
报告人姓名:Junji Kido教授(日本山形大学)
报告时间:2018-6-12, 9:00-11:00
报告人简介:Junji Kido(城户淳二)教授,世界著名的OLED科学家。1984年毕业于日本早稻田大学工学部应用化学专业,获学士学位;之后分别于1987年、1989年获美国Polytechnic University, New York硕士、博士学位。1989年起任日本山形大学高分子科学与工程系副教授;1995年在Science上发表首个有机白光二极管(WOLED)的研究工作;2002年升任日本山形大学工学部教授;并担任日本经济产业省、日本新能源产业技术综合研究机构“高效率有机器件开发”首席科学家;2003年起兼任山形县产业技术振兴机构有机电子研究所所长;2004年起任日本新能源产业技术综合研究机构“照明用高效率有机EL技术研究开发”国家研究计划首席科学家。
Junji Kido教授的研究方向为有机电致发光材料与器件。近年在Nature Communication,Advanced Materials等主流杂志发表论文多篇,连续4年入选全球高被引科学家;出版有机EL专著多部;在OLED领域获得授权专利100多项;2002年获得美国SID颁发的特别贡献奖;2007年获得Herman F. Mark技术奖;2013年获得日本紫绶勋章;2015年获得美国SID颁发的K. F. Braun奖。
报告摘要:In 1993, we have developed white-light-emitting OLEDs for the first time. Since then, the performance of white OLEDs have been steadily improved and, today, they are considered to be the light source of the next generation. OLED displays based on white OLEDs have also been developed and large-size displays have been commercialized. Recently,high quantum efficiencies (QEs) can be obtained by using phosphorescent emitters such as iridium complexes. External QE of 25—30% was achieved for blue, green and red OLEDs, which correspond to the internal QE of nearly 100%. Device lifetime at high luminance levels, which is required for general lighting, has been significantly improved by using the multiphoton structure. By combining the above techniques, OLEDs can be extremely efficient and possess extremely long lifetime, even at high luminance level. In 2010, Lumiotec Inc. has started small-scale production of white OLED panels in Yonezawa, and luminaires using their panels have been commercialized. In this talk, recent progress in white OLED will be discussed.